A letter from the ❤

Dear fellow remote worker,

In the journey of life, a large part of our time is spent on making a living. While doing so, we yearn to find meaning and purpose in the work we do.

Spending a large portion of our time for work usually urges us to think about spending it at a place with a purpose or an appealing mission. With that thought, we might seek out for an organisation with the hope of finding immense meaning and pleasure by taking part in their journey.

Sometimes we find it, and sometimes we don’t. (and that’s okay)

Either way, while we embark on that journey, we often overlook a crucial element- its people. They are the ones we work with or work for, and we’d call them teammates or colleagues.

I classify them as crucial because, work entails spending a large chunk of our time with them. And teammates come with diverse personalities, cultural backgrounds, ethnic groups and so on..

What’s fascinating is that our teammates add a new dimension to the meaning and the purpose I mentioned earlier. Often, it’s these teammates that make the journey vibrant and exciting.

But sometimes, it’s the opposite that happens. (that’s life, and that’s okay too)

Since our teammates impact our lives so much and play a crucial role, it’s only reasonable and rational to find out who they really are, and make sense of them and their lives. Doing so enriches our work-life profoundly and enhances the meaning we derive for our own journey and purpose.

This is why we created QuickTeam to help us get to know our teammates intimately and on a daily basis, who are directly or indirectly part of our journey. Our aim is to help you know a little more about them than you did yesterday.

I believe, by knowing our teammates a little more deeply, we get closely knitted to a level that literally morphs us into a tribe. A close-knitted tribe is productive, trustworthy, loyal and unstoppable. You might even call them ‘my people’ because you know them like the back of your hand, going forth a worthy mission.

Next time, when you’re on a Zoom call or a slack chat, you’d genuinely know who you are talking to.

Isn’t that great?

As much as it’s ours and QuickTeam’s first step of many thousands of miles journey, this journey is yours and your team’s journey, too.

We earnestly want you to be a part of making it happen for all the remote workers like you and me to find common ground, connect and build a deeper relationship within their remote teams.

So would you join forces with us; and help us to help you know your teammate better than you did yesterday?

Yours truly,

Azeem Mackeen,
Co-founder at QuickTeam

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